Law in the Stars: Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge into Space Governance

Date & time

17 June 2020 1:00pm - 2:00pm


Online via Zoom


Research Office

Event description

There is a general consensus that the long-term sustainability of space activities needs to be at the forefront of all space governance structures, including national legislation, compliance with existing international treaties, and the development of new norms. Space traffic management, the increase of space debris, militarization, and the environmental impact of launches, are all of central concern in space governance. There is therefore a need for a strong notion of “good space citizenship” to incentivise responsible behaviour by all space actors. This project asserts that what can be learned from Australian Indigenous knowledge about cosmology, intergenerational relationship and responsibility, and law, has the potential to impact the way we behave in the global commons of space.

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Featured Speakers

Dr Cassandra Steer
Dr Cassandra Steer

Dr. Cassandra Steer is a Mission Specialist with the ANU Institute of Space (InSpace), and a lecturer at the College of Law specialising in space law, space security and international law. Dr. Steer has more than a decade of international experience teaching at universities in Australia, Europe, North America and South America, and brings a comparative perspective to all her research and teaching.



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