Corruption and human rights sanctions in Australia: What to expect?

Date & time

27 October 2021 7:00pm - 8:15pm




ANU College of Law

Event description

In common with other countries’ practice, the Australian Government has the power to subject individuals and companies to extrajudicial targeted sanctions, such as asset freezes and travel bans. It has now committed to introducing a reform of the Australian sanctions regime by the end of 2021. This follows a Parliamentary inquiry that recommended that Australia put in place a ‘Magnitsky’ sanctions regime to target foreigners engaged in corruption or gross human rights abuse, in line with overseas partners as the US, UK and Canada.

The introduction of corruption and human rights sanctions raises a host of questions of law and policy. How will they contribute to existing criminal justice responses? How can sanctions designations be credible, consistent and free of undue political influence? How should due process be ensured?

This webinar brings together Australian and international speakers to explore the lessons that the Australian government and wider expert community should draw from existing overseas experience in considering these questions. It is organised by ANU College of Law and the Transnational Research Institute on Corruption.

Speakers include:

•   Geoffrey Robertson QC, Doughty Street Chambers
•   Anna Bradshaw, Peters & Peters
•   Adam Masters, Transnational Research Institute on Corruption

The discussion will be chaired by Anton Moiseienko, ANU College of Law.


Geoffrey Robertson QC

Geoffrey Robertson QC is founder and joint head of Doughty Street Chambers. He has had a distinguished career as a trial and appellate counsel, an international judge, and author of leading textbooks. He has argued many landmark cases in media, constitutional and criminal law, in the European Court of Justice; the European Court of Human Rights; the Supreme Court (House of Lords and Privy Council); the UN War Crimes courts; the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and in the highest courts of many commonwealth countries.

Geoffrey has, as a jury advocate, appeared in many criminal trials at the Old Bailey and libel trials in the High Court. He has appeared in several hundred reported cases in the Court of Appeal (both civil and criminal divisions) and in judicial reviews in the High Court, and in subsequent appeals.  He has a large advisory practice, for clients including governments, media corporations, NGO’s and local councils.

Anna Bradshaw

Anna Bradshaw is a Partner at Peters and Peters. She advises individuals and corporates on all aspects of financial crime and sanctions risk, compliance and enforcement; assisting with investigations into suspected breaches and related reporting obligations and representing suspects and witnesses in contentious proceedings.

Anna is an Associate Fellow of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), assisting the Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS) with their research on the design and implementation of sanctions by the US, EU and UK.

Adam Masters

Dr Adam Masters comes to the Australian National University following a 24-year career with the Australian government. His public sector career included time at the Department of Defence, the Australian Taxation Office and 18 years with the Australian Federal Police. While at the AFP, Adam spent close to a decade as team leader with Interpol Canberra and two years teaching counter-terrorism investigations at the AFP College. In mid-2009, Adam changed direction to pursue an academic career and, since 2010, he has worked with the ANU Transnational Research Institute on Corruption (TRIC). Dr Masters' current research and teaching focuses on corruption and anti-corruption, particularly in rich countries, transnational organised crime and the influence of culture on international organisations.

Anton Moiseienko

Anton Moiseienko is a Lecturer at the ANU College of Law. His work focuses on transnational crime, economic crime and cybercrime, as well as legal and policy aspects of targeted sanctions.

Anton was previously a Research Fellow at the Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), a UK defence and security think-tank. While at RUSI, he led major multi-year research projects that explored the impact of technology on financial crime, as well as illicit trade risks in free-trade zones. He also published on a wide array of subjects including beneficial ownership transparency; corruption and fraud in the UK; and the financial footprint of cybercrime, cyber-enabled fraud and online IP piracy.

Anton is the author of Corruption and Targeted Sanctions, a monograph on the legal and policy implications of so-called ‘Magnitsky’ laws. He co-edited four books on transnational crime, including a 35-chapter-long Research Handbook on Transnational Crime.


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