AYBIL Highlights: Quarantine Island

Date & time

05 July 2023 6:00pm - 7:30pm




ANU Law - Marketing

Event description

This webinar serves to celebrate the award of an inaugural Student Paper Prize awarded by the Australian Year Book of International Law (AYBIL) in partnership with the Australia and New Zealand Society of International Law (ANZSIL). The 2023 AYBIL/ANZSIL Student Paper Prize was awarded to Rebecca Brown, for her paper titled "Quarantine Island: Australia's Health Policy and its Construction of International Law", which engages with the ways in which the Australian federal and state governments have approached the regulation of disease domestically and globally from 1788 to today.

Prize winner Rebecca Brown will be in conversation with AYBIL General Editor Esmé Shirlow (Associate Professor, ANU College of Law), Dr Mark Eccleston-Turner (Senior Lecturer in Global Health Law, King's College London) and Associate Professor Jonathan Liberman (Associate Professor in Law and Global Health, University of Melbourne).



Featured Speakers

Rebecca Brown, Dr Mark Eccleston-Turner, Associate Professor Jonathan Liberman , Associate Professor Esmé Shirlow
Rebecca Brown

Rebecca Brown is the winner of the inaugural AYBIL/ANZSIL Student Paper Prize. Rebecca is an LLB graduate of the University of Sydney with an LLM from the University of Cambridge. She is currently undertaking a PhD in Law also at the University of Cambridge, focusing on treaty negotiation within global health governance.

Dr Mark Eccleston-Turner

Dr Mark Eccleston-Turner is a Senior Lecturer in Global Health Law. He specialises in infectious diseases and international law, particularly the law of international organizations, pathogen sharing and equitable access to vaccines in a pandemic. Mark has provided advice to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Department for International Development, and is a member of UK Parliament COVID-19 Outbreak Expert Database. He has appeared as a witness before the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, and has provided evidence to the Joint Committee on the National Security.

Associate Professor Jonathan Liberman

Jonathan Liberman is an Associate Professor in Law and Global Health with a joint appointment in the Melbourne Law School and the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. Jonathan has over twenty years' experience in legal and policy research, teaching, advice, training and technical support relating to health at both domestic and global levels. Jonathan was the Founding Director of the McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer, serving as Director from February 2012 to March 2020.Since early 2020, Jonathan’s work has expanded to cover the global governance of infectious diseases, including the current negotiations through the World Health Organization to develop a new treaty on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response and to amend the International Health Regulations (2005). In 2020-1, Jonathan led a collaboration between the University of Melbourne and the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific supporting countries in the Western Pacific Region in their use of law in responding to COVID-19. Jonathan’s work examines the ways in which international legal instruments and processes designed to protect and promote global health interact with other international legal frameworks and regimes across such areas as international trade, intellectual property, international investment, human rights, and climate change and environment.

Associate Professor Esmé Shirlow (Chair)

Esmé Shirlow teaches and researches in the fields of public international law, international dispute settlement, and international investment law and arbitration. Esmé is the General Editor of the Australian Year Book of International Law and an Associate Editor with the ICSID Review and Kluwer Arbitration Blog. She is Vice-President (Australia) of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law, and Co-Chair of the Society’s International Economic Law Interest Group. Esmé is admitted as a solicitor in the Australian Capital Territory and maintains a practice in the field of international law advising parties to investment treaty claims and in proceedings before the International Court of Justice. Prior to joining the ANU, she worked in the Australian Government’s Office of International Law.


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