ANU Law and Philosophy Forum: Reflections on Death

Date & time

08 February 2022 1:00pm - 2:00pm



ANU Law Marketing

Event description

The ANU Law and Philosophy Forum is delighted to announce its first meeting in 2022: a reading and discussion led by Dr Joshua Neoh, who will be reflecting on the topic of death.

The discussion will be based upon Bernard Williams’s 1973 paper, ‘The Makropulos case: reflections on the tedium of immortality’.

When is the right time to die? Death can come too early, but it can also come too late. In many cases, death comes like a thief in the night to rob one of life, but is it all that bad? Even if life is a great good, there is the risk that one might end up having too much of a good thing. In this seminar, we will consider these mortal and morbid questions by reflecting on the Makropulos case.

Dr Joshua Neoh is an Associate Professor at ANU College of Law and researches and teaches in Legal Theory. His monograph, Law, Love and Freedom: From the Sacred to the Secular, was published by Cambridge University Press (CUP) in 2019.

Please register here to join via Zoom.


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Associate Professor Joshua Neoh


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