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The trouble with Zoom

Damian Clifford  writes in Australian Financial Review

Will the modern university make it to its 1000th birthday?

Desmond Manderson  writes in The Canberra Times

Assange on trial: How it got to this point and where we go from here

Donald Rothwell  quoted in Canberra Times

The Paradox of Rodrigo Duterte

 quoted in 

Terror watchdog wants better encryption laws

 quoted in Australian Financial Review

PNG: Booting Exxon gives Marape a boost – for now

 writes in The Interpreter

PNG police MOU with mining company concerning - academic

 quoted in Radio New Zealand

Sending in the military? First let's get some legal questions straight

David Letts  writes in The Canberra Times

Legal protections 'needed in ADF fire call-out', says military law expert

David Letts  quoted in The Canberra Times

New Electoral Laws Place Thai Democracy in Danger

Sarah Bishop  writes in East Asia Forum

Thailand’s Interim Constitution

Sarah Bishop  speaks to ABC Radio National

Latest Draft Constitution Unlikely to Restore Democracy

Sarah Bishop  writes in East Asia Forum

A storm of bullets, a wave of apathy

 writes in New Mandala