In the media
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Guilty parties remain free in ‘chilling’ Witness K prosecution

Kieran Pender  quoted in Lawyers Weekly

Commonwealth prosecutors wrong on Witness K case, former NSW DPP says

Kieran Pender  quoted in The Guardian

How do international laws work on the Moon or in Space?

 interviewed by ABC Canberra Radio

Speaking no truth to power in a time of coup: Myanmar’s Human Rights Commission

Jonathan Liljeblad  writes in Melbourne Asia Review

Dangerous precedents

Kieran Pender  writes in The Monthly

How one case helped shape workplace sexual harassment lawsuits

Kieran Pender  quoted in The Sydney Morning Herald

Barriers to seeking damages, and achieving justice, in the #MeToo era

Kieran Pender  interviewed by Lawyers Weekly Podcast

We should be more specific about extremism, not less

 writes in Canberra Times

Courting progress

Kieran Pender  writes in The Monthly

Bringing Space Age Politics Back to Earth

 writes in Australian Institute of International Affairs SEARCH JOIN

Online surveillance bill a dangerous overreach

Kieran Pender  quoted in Human Rights Law Centre

Expert Interview: Dr. Cassandra Steer

 interviewed by Robert Strauss Center

Assessment at university

Michelle Worthington  interviewed by The Canberra Classroom podcast

Building Australia's Space Industry

 speaks to Cosmos Briefing podcast

Life on Mars—an international legal framework for the red planet?

Donald Rothwell  quoted in LexisNexis

Covid-19 vaccines hit the black market

 writes in The Strategist

Late Breakfast with Jo Laverty and Adam Steer

 interviewed by ABC Darwin Radio