HDR Program expectations & milestones


Research students enrolled at the ANU College of Law are required to meet milestones throughout their program.

It is important to ensure that all milestones are met and are consistent with ANU Higher Degree Research Policy and the Research Degree Rules. Failing to do so may result in refusal by the ANU College of Law to approve program extensions at the end of the maximum submission period and any grant funding.

As of 2014, milestone documents are sent to students automatically through the HRS&A system. Students should not submit this form to the Chair of their panel or the Director of Higher Degree Research in hard copy, but electronically. If in doubt, instructions about the process can be obtained from the HDR program administrator.

An outline of milestones can be found in the Higher Degree Research guidelines for students and supervisors.

Thesis proposal review

From 2015, and in accordance with university rules, students must complete a thesis proposal review. Normally, this happens before the end of the first year of full-time study.

Annual plan

The Annual Plan outlines what you intend to undertake in the following 12 months, with sufficient detail to allow your supervisory panel to assess the appropriateness and feasibility of the plan. Annual reports will be considered by the full HDR Program Committee, rather than solely by the Director of Higher Degree Research.

Annual report

Annual reports evaluate progress against the previous Annual Plan, and are assessed as satisfactory/unsatisfactory. The next year’s Annual Plan is submitted with the Annual Report for approval or modification and approval. The Chair of your supervisory panel comments on your progress and you should be given the opportunity to meet and discuss his/her comments. Annual reports will be considered by the full HDR Program Committee, rather than solely by the Director of Higher Degree Research.

Research integrity training

Since 2008, all students commencing their research degree have been required to complete Research Integrity Training which is now available as an online module. Students are required to complete nine modules (excluding Animal Ethics), plus four additional case studies. Modules can be found on WATTLE.

Oral presentation

The Oral Presentation takes place in the second half of your program. The presentation is evaluated by the members of your supervisory panel. The presentation is to include the major objectives, content, results and developing conclusions of the work.

Further information

Further information about each milestone can be accessed through the HDR Program WATTLE site which is accessible to all ANU College of Law HDR students.