Juris Doctor (JD) students

Student highlight

Christopher Skoglund

Christopher Skoglund, an ANU JD student, was the successful applicant of the Leslie Zines Constitutional Law Scholarship. As part of the scholarship, he completed a 10-week internship at the Attorney-General's Department (AGD) and the Australian Government Solicitor (AGS).

What was involved with your internship and what did you gain from the experience?

As part of the Leslie Zines Constitutional Law Scholarship, I interned at the AGD and the AGS for 10 weeks. I dealt with really interesting legal issues, worked with some great people, and engaged with a variety of matters in constitutional law – an area I was keen to explore. Aside from really enjoying Commonwealth Constitutional Law, the idea of working at AGD and AGS really appealed to me. The internship allowed me to gain professional experience in a field that can feel quite abstract and academic when you study it in the classroom, and to get a taste of the sort of work I would like to pursue in the future.

What are your next steps after graduation?

I will be working as a judge’s associate to Justice Susan Kenny at the Federal Court in Melbourne. Justice Kenny’s background is in constitutional and public law, and I am sure my experience at AGD and AGS helped me to get this incredible opportunity. After the associateship, I will return to Canberra and hopefully find myself back where I was over summer.