Yellow Flowers
ANU Law School Discretionary Student Financial Support

The ANU Law School is able to provide a limited amount of financial assistance to support student activities. This financial assistance is primarily offered in cases where students are undertaking activities that are connected with their law studies, but for which they receive no formal credit towards a Law or other ANU program.

Funding is available for undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students. Please note that this funding is not available to Higher Degree Research students (i.e. PhD or MPhil candidates) as they have access to a different source of funding for their research studies.

Applications may be made at any time of the year and must be submitted before the activity has commenced. Due to the limited funds available each year, those seeking assistance are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

Applications will open on Monday 3 February 2025, and will close on Friday 7 December 2025, or sooner if funds run out.


Activities and Rules


Activities covered

  • one-off student-initiated internships not taken for formal credit or to fulfil the requirements of another university degree or program;
  • individual student study projects, not taken for formal credit, that are not substantially supported by other scholarships, grants or other funding;
  • student attendance at conferences or seminars, either individually or in groups;
  • competitions related to law skills or content, not otherwise supported by the College, such as mooting or debating competitions, local and overseas;
  • sponsorship of student conferences or seminars.

The activity/ project/ event must be relevant to the student’s law degree, but be one for which they do not receive formal credit towards a Law or other ANU program.



Funds may be used for:

  • Cost of travel (bus, flights, etc.) Travel approval must be applied for, if funding is granted. Once approved, travel approval means the applicant is covered by ANU travel insurance for the duration of approved travel.;
  • Accommodation
  • Cost of registration (conference, competitions)

Funds cannot be used for:

  • Living costs such as food
  • Cash or cash-like products (gift cards)
  • The purchase of IT hardware, software or textbooks
  • The purchase of personal items such as clothing
  • Any costs associated with fieldwork/field trips or study tour as part of a course, at ANU or at any other tertiary institution

Funds Available

Grants by activity (indicative amounts)

  • Internship: Up to AUD $500.00
  • Study project: Up to AUD $500.00
  • Conference or seminar: Up to AUD $1000.00
  • Competition: Up to AUD $1000.00
  • Sponsorship of groups and associations: Up to AUD $5000.00
  • Any other activities: Up to AUD $500.00

Please note that, if approved, the payment will not exceed the total amount of quotes/receipts submitted for the activity.

Eligibility & Selection Criteria

To be eligible, applicants

  • must be currently enrolled in an LLB, JD, LLM, GCLAW, MFIML, MINLD or GCNTL at the ANU College of Law, Governance and Policy, including at the completion of the activity, project or event;
  • must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units of LAWS coded courses in the study period for which they are seeking funding;
  • must not receive substantial support (more than 50% of the total amount budgeted) by other scholarships, grants or funding for the same activity, project or event;
  • are permitted to concurrently hold other scholarships, awards, grants or bursaries (subject to the terms in the conditions of award of the other scholarship/award/grant/bursary);
  • must meet all criteria for the discretionary funding for which they are applying;
  • can only apply for ONE ANU Law School Discretionary Student Financial Support per year.

The activity/ project/ event

  • must be relevant to the student’s law degree;
  • must not contribute to any academic credit or be part of a coursework course.

Please note that meeting these requirements does not guarantee funding.


Supporting Documentation required

  • Receipts or quotes to justify requested funding, such as registration costs, travel costs and accommodation cost.
  • Proof of invitation (when student is invited to participate in an event. Proof can be invitation to present at a conference, invitation to participate in a Moot competition, etc.)
  • Itinerary when travel is involved
  • Itemised budget for your activity/ project/ event

Applicants may be asked to provide further information, or may be denied financial assistance, if insufficient information has been provided.



  • Up to five (5) business days is required for our office to assess your application and send the outcome to the Applicant’s ANU student email.
  • Successful recipients will need to accept their grant offer via your ANU email address.
  • If travel is required for your activity, project or event, successful applicants will need to complete an ANU Travel form. The approval process for the ANU Travel form normally takes five (5) business days.
  • Payments will only be processed once we have the acceptance from the recipient, and an approved ANU Travel form (if required for your activity, project or event).
  • The payment process can between 15-25 business days by our finance team. Depending on when the payment is requested during the calendar year, delays might occur.



  • Applications can be lodged at anytime up to the day of the activity, project or event.
  • Applications for activity, project or event that have passed will not be considered.
  • We recommend lodging your application one month to six weeks prior to the start of the activity, project or event if you require the grant to purchase plane tickets, book accommodations, etc.
  • A successful application will not guarantee that funds will be paid prior to the start of your activity, project or event
  • The decision of the selection panel is final and cannot be appealed.
  • The grant cannot be deferred or used for any other purposes than the activity, project or event that granted the award.


Application dates and how to Apply

All applications are submitted via the 'Apply here' button below.

Applications are open throughout the academic year, or until funds have run out.

Funding is contingent on the budget reserves of the College. The College reserves the right to decline to fund applications and to close the scheme at any time, in the event that budget contingencies require such action.

Please note that groups can submit one application. Please include the names and student ANU ID of all applicants in your form.

Apply here

Other Information

Publicity and Recipients Obligations

The recipient may be requested to participate in publicity for the College, once the activity for which funds are granted is complete. Grant recipients may be contacted for an interview and photograph by the ANU College of Law, Governance and Policy Marketing team, or College Student and Education Support team.

The College Student and Education Support team may also request proof that the activity/ project/ event took place.


Providing false of misleading information

The awarding of a grant is based on the information provided to the College. A grant may be withdrawn at any stage if incorrect, false or misleading information has been provided, or relevant information withheld. This includes circumstances where the false information is unrelated to the assessment in awarding the grant.


Repayment of funds

Subject to the information available at the time of assessment, the College may request that the payment be refunded in part or full, if the conditions of a grant are breached, or if the activity/ project/ event is cancelled. If such a request is made by the College, the recipient must repay the amount determined by the Dean (or nominee).


Taxation & Centrelink

Grant recipients are responsible for seeking taxation and Centrelink advice regarding their own individual circumstances. Grants may be regarded as taxable income, if a recipient is enrolled on a part-time basis.

For more information on how the award may affect your Centrelink benefits, please visit the Services Australia website.


Related policies, proedures & rules

ANU Academic Integrity Policy

ANU Discipline Rule

ANU Student Code of Conduct


Law Student and Education Support team

(02) 6125 3483

Applicants must adhere to the ANU Student Code of Conduct when communicating with Staff and when undertaking the activity for which grant funding is provided. All communication must be respectful and constructive, free from discrimination or harassment.