Tatiana Hardy-Stotz
Tatiana Hardy-Stotz


JD (Hons) '14

Years at ANU

2012 to 2014

Other degrees

B.InternationalStudies (Sydney), Cert.SustainableBusiness (Cambridge)

Image: Supplied
Inaugural Human Rights Analyst
Vodafone Group

Other degrees: B.InternationalStudies (Sydney), Cert.SustainableBusiness (Cambridge)

With a passion for business and human rights, corporate social responsibility, and refugee law, Tatiana's current role in London involves delivering Vodafone Group's Sustainable Business Strategy and 10 year global transformation goals in over 26 countries. In particular, she supports the continuing development and delivery of the human rights programmes required to achieve the strategy and meet Vodafone's human rights responsibilities.

  • Panel Member at UN Forum on Business and Human Rights (Geneva).
  • Former Legal Intern at the UNHCR (Canberra), CSR Asia (Singapore), and Global CSR (Copenhagen).
  • TedX Speaker on the topic 'Is Big Business Playing by the 'Rules of the Game'?'