Jesse Kennedy
Jesse Kennedy


BA '09
LLB (Hons) '09

Years at ANU

2005 to 2009

Other degrees


Image: Supplied
New Chambers

Other degrees: LLM [NYU]

Jesse has extensive experience in international law, litigation and arbitration.

  • He was previously an Associate at Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom (New York), an Associate at Norton Rose Fulbright and an Associate to the Hon Justice W M C Gummow AC.
  • Received the University Medal in Law in 2008.
  • Whilst at ANU Law he received the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions Prize for Criminal Law, the B C Meagher Prize for Commonwealth Constitutional Law, the Elizabeth Allen Prize for Foundations of Australian Law and the LexisNexis Prize for International Dispute Resolution.