Bruce Donald AM
Bruce Donald AM


BA '65
LLB (Hons) '68

Years at ANU

1962 to 1967

Other degrees

LLM (Harvard)

Image: Supplied
Lawyer, Manager & Director

Other degrees: LLM (Harvard)

Bruce has practised for over 45 years in commercial, public, media and environmental law. He studied at Harvard under a Harkness Fellowship before becoming partner in two leading commercial law firms and co-authoring Donald and Heydon Trade Practices Law. Since 1984, Bruce's practice has included advising Indigenous communities on land rights and management.

  • Former ABC General Counsel, Australian Heritage Commissioner and Chair of the Environmental Defenders Office, NSW.
  • Former Treasurer of the Fragile X Association of Australia, supporting families like his own affected by this disabling genetic condition.
  • Appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in 2005, recognising his service to law and to the community.

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